when i started this who's who blog, i started it to give credit, to some of those brilliant performers who have been doing it along time, but have failed to get the credit they deserve.
you see, many of them have focused all their time on the quality of their show and have not found the time to focus on promo. also some of them are not sterile and wont play by the rules of exploiters so they get neglected and even frowned upon.
i have seen many other more well known performers focused all their time on promo and their income and have left the quality to the way side and many of them have a sterile bubble gum show. not so with fellahs like Street Show Kieth Wolfe.
you wanna talk about a real street guy, well check this guy out.
he travels up and down the west coast of the u.s. the hardest to place to work i have ever been.
he does this making a living. he will crash festivals and over regulated spots. always in and out before they shut him down. the west coast is EXTREMELY over regulated for everything not just busking, businesses have a hard time here.
i have seen the buskers in frisco repect him and let him work....for any one who has worked there you know how voilent and dog eat dog it is there, so this is sayin somethin.
he has various different shows and characters. sometimes he's painted up and some times he's gotta street costume instead.
along with the streets, he also works alot of circuses, cabarets, and private functions.
i have seen him personally in frisco and san diego and some other spots build a huge crowd when it was impossible for me or others to get a show off and to add insult to injurey he made some fat hats. his show is hillarious and he can work a sidewalk or large circle act.
his act is a bit gritty and pushes the envelope, sometimes a bit more then i would in my show, but it fits his character better then it would mine.
people don't copy his act because they can't it's so orininal it's to the point of.....of...well, frankly wierd sometimes.......the cocktail to success my friends.
he has a myspace and a presence on the internet and i would hope you take the time to look him up and watch some of his work.
here's his myspace;
here is some rough footage of him, it does not show alot of his tecnical skills, but the patter is great;
Kieth i get it.
thanks for your lifes work.
I love him. He seriously has a take no prisoners attitude. I was bummed when he left Seattle because if he was around the conversations were great.
I do have to admit he came up to me while I was waiting for the rotation, started talking, and I didn't recognize him because he wasn't painted up. "It's Keith you idiot!"
He's my friend...and I love 'em!
He's my friend, fellow performer, and I love 'em!
I really miss Keith and hope he is doing well wherever he is. His mental state was very fragile when you were on the road Jimmy.
Please try to get in touch with him and let me know how he is doing?
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