many years ago walking down royal street in new orleans i saw a well dressed southern business man, set up in the middle of the street on a artists suit case table.
i was learning to work the street and looking for all the acts i could find. there he was doing some of the most incredable magic i've ever seen, he was doing with a dean martin aire about him.
as he worked a cigarette would vanish and appea, over and over, as this happened he was nonchalant and acted as if it was nothing.
he announced that he waould make a signed card appear in his wallet along with a salt shaker in side an envelope in his wallet, he would take that same card and throw it up over the building next to him, needless to say i watched in disbelief with everyone else as he did all the things he promised.
one of the things about his character is that he can do many flourishes and stunts, so impressive that it stops the passer by in their tracks.
he is a long close friend of eric evans, and he knows many of the greats, gazzo gotta chance to see his act and told me he loved it.
a vetran street performer taking on europe again right now but he is known as an american performer.
he started on the street in 1980 & 81. a short time latter he met cellini, since he has had quite a life with the life he chose. he has worked all over the world on the streets and he has work alot of corprate gigs and over the many years just about every venue.
a full time pro, he taught me alot i owe alot to him.
i am hoping to get some footage of him to post here, so you could get an idea.
but the best thing is to see him live, so keep an eye out for him on one of your own busy sidewalks.
i hope all is well with you brian and thanks for being such a good friend.
Hi! I'm Brian's brother, Larry. Brian has been doing magic for a while. The only problem with sidewalk performers is the limited number of people you can entertain at one time. Even if a performer were to overcome this obstacle, then the "close-up" effect would either be minimized, if not lost.
I wish I had an answer. The only thing I can think of is mass media. But then, the viewer might think it's just a camera trick.
Larry Bloodworth
Draper, Utah
I am an old neighbor that Brian Bloodworth grew up with. Been trying to find him for years. It's so nice to see that he has been successful in his magic career. When we were kids he would have magic shows in his backyard. Would love to contact him, Do you know how I can do this?
Thanks so much,
Tamyra Wimberly
I have been looking for Brian for years. He was my neighbor growing up on Penway St. Can you contact him? or have a contact where I can talk with him?
Thanks so much,
Tamyra Wimberly
I used to watch Brian in West End, in Dallas, from about 1989-1992(ish). Simply amazing. Glad to hear he's continued on.
You can contact Brian at 801-657-1335 -OR- Brian Bloodworth's brother, Larry at 801-885-2227
This is Larry, Brian's brother again. You can reach Brian at nbbloodworth@gmail.com. He's working in Salt Lake City, Utah at a steady gig.
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