Sometimes fellahs write in and do such a good job i just put up their own story in thier own's his in his own words;
July 10 / 2009
In Michael's own words -
Been Performing and when time permits busking on and off for some 20+ years...
To date, my career highlights include: Performing for President and Hillary Clinton, the Birthday party for renowned author Kurt Vonnegut, performing at the opening night party for Siegfried and Roy, and lastly, helping to raise over $30,000 for 9/11 families and performing numerous shows gratis for NYC Fire and Police personnel and their families months after the 9/11 tragedy.
I have found that the age old art of Busking is not only a great way to keep yourself and your material sharp and at performance level, but it is also a way to generate an independent income.
Practicing in front of a mirror once a week will not do... if you're going to do this thing called performaning, then YES, get your material honed in front of a mirror... but then get your material in front of an audience. They will tell you what works but more importantly, what doesn't. It's important to get away from the computer, from the Dummy Box (TV). Get away from those in your life that are non believers in your talents and get out in the real world and give your audiences something they've never seen- you and your Unique Talents!
This will not happen overnight, or even in a month or two. But hang in there, as the adventure is in the doing. I firmly believe and have seen it, that Time Tells!!! and it will, if you approach your rehearsing and preparation the right way.
As a professional performer, I'm not really a fan of DVD's. I really am a lover of books. Simply put, I believe there to be "GOLD" in them there pages. It's very important to read the classics on Conjuring, and as a rule, I read everything.
Reading takes work, attention and focus. Sadly there is a new generation of performers who seem to have little to almost no interest in the wonderful and vast history of our Art...which is an incredibly sad thing to observe.
Over the years, I've had a number of mentors, the most notable being Reveen- the noted Illusionist/ Hypnotist and Master Showman, The 2nd being Bruce Armstrong of Canada, others being Frank Brents (Americas favorite Black magician ) and
Jeff Sheridan. My Friend/Teacher Jeff taught me the Art of Card Manipulation , His only other students were Jeff McBride and David Copperfield.
Jeff & I met over lunch daily for yrs and we would talk on a wide variety of topics including Art and Magic and we would both try out new material on one another.
Jeff was was fond of saying, "Creating material is easy when the work has already been done!" In other words, purchasing a DVD equal Xerox copy!!! And if you have 200 people who have purchased said DVD, you end up with 200 Xerox copies, which is simply a bad thing for the evolution of the Art of Magic or any Art.
The wonderful thing about the art of Busking is that once you get a tight show, it can play anywhere and everywhere. I have played Cruise ships, Theatres, Festivals, TV, private parties ,Galas and Corporate Events for Sony Music, Harley Davidson, the Rockefeller Foundation and the NEA just to name a few.
It goes without saying, if you can make your audience like you, then more than likely they will like the show that you've developed.
As a formula, most 30-50 minute shows equal somewhere between 3 and 5 acts or more, unless one is doing a shorter "Doorway" set which normally runs about 8-10 min.
I would also like to Highly recommend the Jimmy talks-a-lot book, "To Lure with Spectacle." It contains first hand knowledge at a more than reasonable price !
As has been stated many times by the performer and teacher, Gazzo, there is no substitute for first hand knowledge Or for using equipment that is not the best you can afford. Gazzo has been in the trenches of street performing for more than 30 years. I recall him giving me sound advice on a very light table that I was using that was not up to his standards. He gave me his opinion on it in so many words! Believe me, it was replaced the very next day by a Heavy, Solid table top that met his approval.
I'm also appreciative of his comments on my Millennium Cups that I began producing back in 2000, when so many performers were constantly asking me where I got those great cups ( My Millennium Cups have been endorsed by some of the Top performers in the Magic field.
I'm not sure what else I can add, Jim, other than to say to anyone thinking of following Busking as a hard, work even harder, pay attention to details but most importantly, Do your very best and pay special attention to your audiences. Again, they will tell you what works and what doesn't. Give 'em a great show- One that YOU would be proud to watch.
The purity and sincerity of busking entertainment is really what appeals to me. Over 300 yrs ago Shakespeare said " All the worlds a stage " More true than ol William could have ever imagined ! I believe busking to be in the truest sense the most essential depiction of the Conjurer's Art.
Michael Lee
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