when i first started this who's who blog, it was my intent to give credit to those who went for years with out recognition for thier work......Andy is the perfect example of this for years he has worked london, sometimes at "Covent Garden", but the sidewalk at "London Eye" on the south bank, has been his pitch for years.
originally from his beloved Stoke he came to london many years ago and had it rough from the begining working his way of the streets and into public housing where he took me in the first time till some years later when i came again to london he took me into his new aparment and introduced me to his new love in his life "Cat" a lovely english girl he calls duck.
he has a big heart and takes care of his friends. very loyal person.
he does close up magic, his character is that of a strange and sometimes silly authority of the bizzar.
last i saw he was crowd buildling with a severed hand and finaling with card to glass frame an old anneman effect fro jinx.
he is a real london icon, working sidewalks all over the city.
some of the rougher buskers about town call him weasel out of love of course, he is well known and loved by all the other performers in london.
andy also has another act, he has a human robot act that he does mime and magic to, complete with suit.
he is an avid collector of magic, he has a huge collection and can be found almost once a day at davenports magic shop, a magic instution of england and the world.
if you ever wanna see a truly quirky and real london sidewalk show, keep your eyes peeled for andy.
thanks for everything andy your a real friend. this picture is special to me, it's me and him countin money in the hat. it was taken by a photographer impressed with our shows and way of life as buskers.
i wil be keeping an eye open for some footage, i would be curious myself as to what he's up to these days.
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thank you thank you and thank you
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