Thursday, December 27, 2012





Magician, street performer and maker of the Gazzo cups and Animal cups.

Gary hand machines the best magicians cups in the world. every magician covets them.

gary is also one of the best cups and balls manipulators in the world...go figure.

he is also one of the funniest guys i have ever met and he has forgotten more magic than most of the guys in the industry.

A master?

No question.

i just met him at the saint wendall street magician's competition in Germany.

he showed up with a very small bag of funny bits and pieces he had found at a dollar store type of place on his way over.

but no cups and balls.

the master craftsman and worker of cups and balls didn't bring his cups.

he told me he left them home because he was sick of showing up to events and seeing 12 cup acts cued up. so he decided to show up and throw a show together at the event..... a world really.

the show he came up with involved killing a bannana as a really.

he won an award for best comedy.



because ladies and gentlemen he is a master.

gary could do a show with finger puppets and bring the house down.

he had NO table.

he had NO amplifier.

and yet he built massive crowds even while other, much larger acts, were playing all around him.

he built crowds in far off out of the way impossible corners of the town while huge acts were going.

he came up with stuff off the top of his head and structured it all as he went along.

it was increadable watching him work.

he did doorways, half circles, and full circles.

i was very intimidated when i first saw him, because of his huge reputation as a legend in the entertainment world, but he made me feel comfortable right away and i think we hit it off pretty good.

i think of him as a good friend now and always brag about being able to work on the same pitch as him.

he borrowed someones cups and showed us some of his moves, i got fooled a bunch of times, it was great.

Gary's a natural on the streets, truly in his own element out there and moves on his instincts.

many of the magicians out there only know him for his fine cups that he makes, but i assure the reader he is a world class performer.

his approach is always artistic and engulfed in thought out perfection, weather it be makin his cups or performance.

i know this after talking with him for hours on the subject and watching him work and seeing the cups he makes.

frankly i think he is not appreciated for the genius he is.....but i get it.

thanks Gary for puttin up with me.

thanks for your lifes work.

thanks for inspiring so many of us.

and thanks for everything you do, for all of us magi out here.

no really.

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