Thursday, December 27, 2012






Devious can usually be found in the gaslamp, in down town san diego at night or at seaport village/embarcadero during the day.

He mainly works as a close up performer doing table magic in a doorway.

when i first met him many years ago, he was a successful local indoor/outdoor stage magician living and working in El Paso, Tx, when he wasn't on the road doing gigs.

As i searched around the internet for footage of him i was very disapointed to find anything that i felt did his work justice. the reader is welcome to look for themselves, but i would urge you to see him live on a sidewalk to get the experience i am about to describe.

many of the local street guys know him and have seen his show and all agree that his show is amazing in it's simplicity and directness.

His show is about atmosphere.

Everything he does seems to be possible through 1800's technology or some sort of wierd blavatsky phenomenon. It's reasonable and pleasantly disturbing.

his simple direct work, with hand made budda papers, is brilliant....finale material.

which shows his creativity.

being able to take an old Adams trick usually overlooked by the pros and turn it into an Annemannesque transformation, leaves a magician with warm fuzzy feelings.

For those of you non magicians wondering what i'm saying,

suffice to say, he's leaving us jaded magicians with the feelings we had when saw our first magic trick.

understand; Devious is not a "in your face" wild man on the sidewalk, he's a wizard you happen on.

like a proffessor in dissertation, the show is delivered as steampunk, phantom, hypnotic, believable,and playful.

excellent act and a wise and humble guy.

and because of this he knows most of the biggest names in magic.

he constantly contributes his knowledge and expertese on the net, and magician functions around the world, i would suggest any magician should make it their business to better themselves by becoming familiar with his theories.

he is also a prolifc inventor of diabolical gimmicks, of which i have seen with my own eyes in action.

i saw a dancing hankerchief fly around and jump to the top of a light post and dance well out of reach and with no strings, surrounded and outdoors, in plain daylight....really wild stuff.

he is the type of act that other magicians love to watch, because of the effect on the audience.

he is a real magician, because he believes in magic and believes in what he does and anyone who watches him understands this emediatly, the impact this has on audiences or anyone around him is crucial to our artform.

he's not out there for the money he's out there because that is who he is.

he has my respect and loyalty.

thank you devious for your lifes work.



i could go on and on about him.

but i won't here's HIS BLOG

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