for well over twenty somethin years of performing straight on the street mr. istvan is amazing.
i was at his house and saw all the passes for some of the most prestiges festivals in the world, these passes were what he wore from being hired by them. he said he keeps them as trophys. he has a silent act backed with an incredable sound track,his act has often been copied, but never performed at the level istvan does it.
he is a class act no question, to say he has the royal touch is an understatement.
istvan holds court in barcelona. he has forgoten more then most magicians know. he's not only a real nice guy always willing to share, but he is incredably intelligent and well read on just about any subject.
he has what we call here in the states gumpshin, a tenacious optomism to occomplish what others think is impossible. and this is exactly what istvan does he does what others only dream of, i have never been so impressed with a master performers will, as i was with istvan, he meets all his goals and refuses to fail.
he is extremely disiplined in what he does and it is evident in his work. this is why i am always telling my students to be disiplined and fanatical in thier work.
istvan took me in and let me stay at his house in hard times and instrcuted me in my performance and in my life. he is the major inspiration in my rope work and gave me permission to use some of the things you may see me do.
istvan in my opinion is, classy, graceful, intelectual,a real magician and a close friend.
istvan, master magician.
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