master brazillian manipulator who has made his home in spain. ordinarily his show is silent done to music, his crowd build is simply his manip skills with cards, billard balls, cigerettes, and various other ungimmicked items.
people walking by and "discover" a good looking sympathic character doing his thing, to a great sound track of easy going but subtley edgy music. it puts the people in the mood for a good time....and he delivers.
a highly skilled pro made famous in brazil on t.v. with illussions and every other form of magic, he chose the spanish streets as his dream.
he has invited me to his home and let me stay in hard times and i watched him as he taught me, it was my mecca for parlor manipulations. he was so advanced at parlor manips it took everything for me to keep up with him which is funny to me because i used to pride myself as a parlor magician, well i learned from him who a real parlor magician is.
it has been difficult for me to find a great example of his work on video, but if you look it up your self and watch enough of it a pattern will emerge and i know you will agree with me about his genius.
DIOGO has a dry and sneaky sense of humur and puts out an aura of relaxed class and confidence that sets the audience in a mood that leaves them in the right place to see the beauty in what he does. you hear them ooh and awe and laugh in shocked disbelief.
the film does him only a little credit to see him work and feel the atmosphere is where it's at.
another thing, he reminds me of my teacher doug conn in that he is so humble and it isn't until a fourth of his show that you realize just how skilled he is and that he has been taking you on a well manipulated ride with out you even knowing, yep you were believing in magic and the moment you realize that it startles you.
if your wondering what type a person he is, when he not performing, i assure the reader he is a decent, loyal, intelligent, adventurious guy who loves his friends.
everyone that knows him respects him as it is the most natural thing to do he is a master. he takes care of his friends and is a compassionate leader.
the thing that makes him the most unusual is that he is a very successful SILENT sidewalk act, having travelled the world and proven his abilities can work anywhere.
there are only a handful these in the world.
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