When i started this blog it was for those masters who never really got thier due.
Sleeveless is definately one of those performers who should be a house hold name for his talent and determination in his lifes work.
but, lo, he is one of us, a busker.....
this magician has worked in san diego on the streets for well over 20 years.
This feat, to me and anyone else who has traveled the world and then come here, knows this is one heck of a thing.
since i have been here in san diego, i have seen some of the top traving buskers come and quickly go, they don't last much more then a day or two because they can't cut the mustard.
san diego is tough.....real tough.
sleeveless, not only provides one heck of a show, but actually brings some sorely needed world class proffessional talent to san diego.
the people here know it and appreciaite it.
he is one of the few performers here that has been asked to work on all the major venues available in the city, and here, that is also very tough to do.
san diego seperates the boys from the men and sleeveless has done it for a long time and made it look easy.
i have had a great deal of respect for him and he has helped me out with my show and other things, with my stay here.
it should be understood that he is a bit of a recluse out side of "show time", infact i have been reluctant to write anything on him outta respect for this, but i feel compeled,
to let our peers know about the gem here in san diego.
i am grateful to have met him.
i would highly recomend his show to any one.
he is often photo'd and filmed because of his gritty, friendly, street wise, persona.
sleeveless, i could never repay you for all you've done,
but from all us guys learning from you out here......THANKS FOR YOUR LIFES WORK.
Do you know how to contact Sleeveless? Knew him 35 years ago and lost contact.
Do you know how to contact Sleeveless? I knew him 35 years ago & have lost contact.
he is in Gateways teaching magic in SDJA, go to that campus and ask anyone who is part of the staff and they'll tell you
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