Jimmy Talksalot.
Owen Lean.
"Banks is a world traveler,
but his main town is London.
As I sit here listening to burroughs.....
I think back some years ago to that day in Covent Garden, hangin with all the fellahs on magician's corner.....what a siight it was to see Paul walk up sporting his three piece business suit.....somebody blurted, "hey banks"
he set up and went to work.
watching Paul proceed to do parlor manip and creative visual magic with sophisticated patter, left us and the audience with the feeling that the pros from the higher order had shown up.
alot of people ask me where i get my inspiration for my unusual parlor stuff and i tell you it's paul, my secret weapon.
you hear about the proffessor vernon or marlow for close up cards....well paul is that for parlor.
don't get me wrong he is a master at close up and stage, but my interest is in his parlor, because there are so few accessable masters to this.
every time i meet one of these guys a actually stop talking for once and pay attention.
his extensive knowledge landed him a job at Davenports the most famous and exclusive magic shop in the world.
he spends much of his timeworking indoors, but has informed me he misses the streets and will be going back out maybe eve full time.
he has been awarded and sought after by the most prestigious magicians in the world.
check out his work for the magic circle;
he's got a site that you can learn more about him and remember he's got a lot of stuff on him on the web if you search it;
once again, i am talking about a student as though he is the teacher....
simply, at magic, Paul IS the master and this is my priority.
i believe it is our art first.
Admittedly, mostly, I am a clown out there, but my teacher Doug Conn is a master magician and had instilled in me to seek out other great magicians and teach them the street to bring up the quality of magic shows on the street.
my priority is to help real magicians.
and Paul, is a case in point.
i have always encouraged him on the street and taught him what i knew. the streets of course is a different animal then a prepaid indoor gig and hence everyone must learn at some point this skill.
Paul is a scholar, inventor, raw talent, and a close friend, i thank God i have had the chance to meet him.
here's he is with his other teacher.

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