Thursday, May 5, 2016


I've seen Daniel Devenport do any size show.

one on one, doorway acts, trickle, half circle shows, giant stage circle shows with hundreds watching.

Daniel -IS- street theater.

I met Daniel a number of years ago out in Frisco.
He was workin the sidewalk on the Warf.

A student of mine had discovered him before me and told me that, he didn't like Daniel's "style."
So when I was going up to see Daniel's show, I had a preconceived idea about him.

Then I watched him.

And as I watched him. 

I turned to my student and told him to pay attention, because this was the epitome of a sidewalk performer.

A few days later, that same student had gotten into some trouble with a large group of buskers and thugs. 

They had weapons and wanted trouble.

There was just me, an escape artist, and that student, against a bunch of them.

Daniel barely knew us, but he jumped in on our side anyway.

Because that's who Daniel is.

Don't expect this from too many street magicians, just the few real ones.

Another thing Daniel is...

He is a master.

He's a fanatic with his work, a perfectionist, a natural born entertainer, and a respected magic teacher.

A survivor who grew up on the streets, so he's a loyal friend who takes care of those around him and can handle himself in most situations.

I have had the privilege of working with him around the country. 

You know where you stand with Daniel, no games.

All the masters in our country know who he is.

In fact he's good friends with Tom Frank, Sonny Holliday, Doug Conn, Eric Evans, Eric Cash, Chris Carne, and the list goes on.

He is my vision of a sidewalk magician from the day. 

He dresses spot on, he's got the gift of gab, and the chops to back it up. 

Fast hands, and fast talkin.

If your watchin him, you're watchin a piece of our history, and our tradition, on the sidewalk. 

So it figures that his students are also the most creative mind blowing performers out there.

These guys aren't actors playing the part of magicians, they are magicians!

So if you're walkin by and you see this guy Daniel Devenport, 

stop what you're doing and watch him, 

because this is a once in a lifetime thing, believe me.

And a note to Daniel,
You've worked hard, your whole life on our art form, and it shows, you've brought our art, to levels many of us never thought possible.

We've all been watching and we're blown away at what you've done.

Thank You.

I'm telling you, because you know as a street magician it's tough getting acknowledgment  from any of our peers.

Thanks for your life's work, 

Your Pal Jimmy. 

Daniel, Doug Conn, and Me on the west bank of New Orleans on Mardis Gras years ago.

And here's a video of him just goofin around in L.A.

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