Student of Cellini and master in his own rite. he wrote the secret art of magic, has dvds on coin manipulation, a product line of busking equipment he hand makes of the finest, most practical and durable on the market.
he painstakingly finds the hardest and best woods to make his wands they are incredible so's all his other stuff.
he busks and lectures around the world.
if there is one man out there i could say i respected the most as a street magician it would be eric evans.
the fact is he is the closest thing to the next cellini we got right now. and don't get me wrong, there is a lot of other guys who are Cellinesque out there and i thank god for them. further there is a lot more guys out there who are better then eric with certain things in their own ways, but when i read the definition cellini gave of a street magician, only a few magi come to mind and when i think of cellini,
eric is all that is left.
he's gotta spiritual side thats genuine and wise but not hokey or made up.
when people are watching him they know they're watching a real magician.
he's loyal to his teachers, students, friends, and the art, to a point that some might say is fanantical, but i wouldn't because in order for me to respect someone thats the qualities i look for.
i chose to be instructed by him [ yeh, i begged him] and it was the wisest decision i ever made. i have been working with him for the past few years and learning from him and it has been the most productive in my life as a entertainer.
the thing about Eric is he's sort of a recluse around other magicians, i think he likes other performers better then magicians some times because i've noticed he's more apt to socialize with a busking piano player or other busker more then a magician if he can help it.
he does lectures, so if you know your local magic society guys you should tell them to book him so you can have the luxury of learning from him.
i not trying to "sell" his lecture, i really think he improves street performers and this might be the only way you "up and comming" guys might have a chance to meet him.
i got to meet him through doug conn and i made it my business to try and get around him to learn from him.
years ago when Cellini told the american magicians that he had a school in europe Eric was one of the wise ones who did what ever it took to get to switzerland to learn from the master.....and as we can all see it was a wise decision.
i would suggest y'all try and do the same.
try and catch one of his lectures.
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