Doc Andrew out of Dallas, Texas area.
His teachers are;Eugene Wilkes, J.B.Bobo, and Dal Sanders.
Sidewalk magician/elixer salesman.
Fast talkin, fast dealin, Doc Andrew works up and down sidewalks all over the world.
I first met Doc back home in New Orleans years ago.
I was learnin how to street perform and I saw these 2 guys with all this stage and illussion equipment out in front of the St. Louis Cathedral in the square they were tryin to build a crowd….needless to say it’s a tough town to build a crowd and what makes it worse there’s people everywhere but their not stopping.
Eventually they stopped a crowd and did a funny and bazaar magic show using some effects that fooled and impressed me.
The 2 guys were Bizzaro and Doc Andrew.
Doc already a seasoned vet on the street by that time, was showing Bizzaro the ropes at busking New Orleans. Bizzaro had been doin magic for years but busking New Orleans is a whole different world.
Bizzaro got the hang of it but he preferred to do larger shows and me and Doc wanted to work the sidewalks for awhile, so we shared the pitch on St. Peter and Decatur.
Show after show, Doc whipped em out. Fat hat after fat hat, givin me a run for my money.
For doc it was like taking candy from a baby. He does a brilliant elixir show that can play for any size crowd. The patter is authentic from the day and so is the costume…. Your left with no tell, that your in this century.
The thing, once again, about doc’s show, is it can play any size crowd but packs small really small.
The basic ideas is he’s doin an vintage elixir or medicine sales pitch as a sort of historical show of what you might have seen in the late 1800’s. As the magic happens Doc gives the bottle of medicine all the credit for the miracles that happen before the spectators eyes.
he looks like a carpetbagger and gives off that same sort of sneaky/ shifty personality.
it really is genius and I remember people saying they never thought they ever would see such a great show on the street.