Tuesday, April 29, 2008


this is what albert's student The Great Wilsoni or Keith balloonatic says about his teacher;

Hi there, this is for Albert Owens.

I brushed shoulders with a genius a linguistic genius of words,wits and comedy.

Some considered him the king of the park(Washington Square Pk), I know I did.

He was a great entertainer, a comedian with no match. Everybody copied him and his comic humor. who at a drop of a dime could play the blues , R & B, or classical music on his quitar, harmonica or piano (who knew).

He was the Lenny Bruce of the 80s 90s. Washington Square Pk had a few great acts, his was tops, He loved life and hated few, always had a bad word for someone but meant no harm, I am very much indebted the the man Albert George Owens, He took me under his wings and taught the ropes I owe much to this man larger than life. God Bless.

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